Dear Barbie, Meet Lammily

Dear Barbie, Meet Lammily
We’re all familiar with the unrealistic Barbie biology and the pressures she subconsciously has on young girls growing up.

Hey there, Lammily! image credit: Nicoklay Lamm

Hey there, Lammily! image credit: Nicoklay Lamm

Nickolay Lamm, a full-time artist and researcher sat down a few months ago and designed a “normal” Barbie that reflected the proportions of a 19 year-old girl based on the CDC reported standards. His goal: to show that average is beautiful and to revolutionize how girls think about their body through a new fashion doll named, Lammily. Watch out Barbie there’s a new girl in town and she can bend her knees, elbows, wrists, ankles and isn’t constantly walking on her tippy toes.

After countless requests from parents and girls alike to make this average doll from an illustrator on paper to a physical doll for purchase, Lamm started his kickstarter campaign and as of March 5 has almost $20,000 raised!
Seeing that Barbie was featured as a Sports Illustrated model this year, (seriously) it’s clear Mattel has no interest in changing Babs measurements to be more realistic. However with the demand for change, there has never been more of an opportune time for toys to challenge societal standards. GoldieBlox challenged the pink aisle and restrictive gender stereotypes and so will Lammily.

I already donated $75 and I am looking forward to giving away one first edition Lammily doll right here on the blog! So stay tuned for that nugget of awesome!

I really believe by changing toys, freeing magazine covers of photoshopped images, and casting more female protagonists in television shows and movies we are changing the way girls think and view themselves and others.
Please donate to the Lammily project here:


What are your thoughts on making this average doll a reality for girls everywhere?! 

24 thoughts on “Dear Barbie, Meet Lammily

  1. Lindsay

    Thanks for sharing this! I can’t imagine how my life would be different if I’d had a Lammily doll instead of Barbie growing up. I hope this really takes off and challenges what we’ve decided is “beautiful” in our society.

    1. Karlyn Post author

      Thanks for stopping by Lindsay! I pray the Lammily makes it to production just to see how or if she changes the buying behavior of consumers. Parents and girls are saying they want this doll to be available for purchase is one thing, but purchasing the doll is another. Actions speak louder than words in the retail industry (and in life).

  2. Eugenepet

    Модные лифчики это первое во что облачается деловая женщина. Лучшие варанты сформированы в этой коллекции
    Специально создаются разных вариаций: большого и маленького размера, но верно подобранный обязательно доставит в избытке комфорта и удовольствия. Вникните в вопрос размера и заказывайте в проверенном интернет-магазине белья. В вопросе размеров всегда рад помочь внимательный сотрудник магазина и размерная сетка выбранного производителя. Комфорт в использовании зависит от качества текстиля и класса шитья – присмотритесь к фотографиям. Удачный бюстгальтер не станет давить, натирать или оставлять на теле следы. Он должен радовать глаз и придавать положительной энергии его хозяйке. И напоследок – особенные бюстгальтеры – для кормления грудью, легкие бесшовные, без каркасов и невесомые спейсеры.


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