We can’t be feminine and be feminist and be successful?
Zooey Deschanel begs to differ:
“I want to be a f‑-king feminist and wear a f–king Peter Pan collar. So f–king what?”

Does any one else see the irony of telling a magazine like Glamour that you’re a feminist when you’re surround by these other topics?
My thoughts exactly. In an interview with Glamour magazine she not only told them that she was a feminist but an effing feminist. Does any one else see the irony of telling a magazine like Glamour that you’re a feminist? But thatttt’s a whole different blog post.
In today’s culture women are supposed to be sweet, coy and passive. PROBLEM. Especially for me. I am an independent, strong, successful woman but also stylish. I love fashion. Truth. Does that make me any less of a feminist? No. I know there are different degrees of feminism but one thing I think they all have in common is shattering the limits that society has set for women. And by limits I mean stereotypes. And by society I mean the media. As Salon’s Mary Elizabeth Williams wrote in referring to Zooey’s statement, “This is exactly what feminism looks like. It’s not frightened or demure; it’s unconditional. And it wears a tiara if is wants to.” Hell yes it does.
Why is it that culture slaps a strong woman in the face, figuratively for the most part, for being “slutty,” “bitchy,” or “mannish.”
A perfect example of media abuse is Hillary Rodham Clinton. In case you’ve been living under a rock, she was the former First Lady from 1993- 2001, became a Senator 2001-2009 and during 2008 ran for president. Recently, she retired from President Obama’s Administration where she served as Secretary of State. A job that she logged around a million miles (literally) traveling around the world. Talk about exhausting! There have been headlines in the news that were included in the documentary Miss Representation, stating that Clinton was “looking so haggered” and “92-years-old.” In the words of Full House’s Stephanie Tanner, “How rude!”
The problem with young girls today—they are stuck. They know that being leaders and taking ownership for their futures is number one priority and being successful is something to strive for but then they’re seeing negativity creep in saying once you reach a certain level of success you’re deemed “mannish” or a “bitch” just because you’re good at what you do. What’s worse? Well…it’s usually other women who are doing the name calling. As females, we have to stop doing this to each other because no one benefits, seriously. Next time you see a strong successful female don’t call her names, instead congratulate her because she is paving the way for other successful young women! You go girl!
The end.
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